Impact of Privatization on Employee Relations at Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited


  • B. Asghar University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Pakistan
  • A. Wasim University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Pakistan
  • M. Jahanzaib University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Pakistan
  • S. Hussain University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Pakistan



This study aims to understand the impact of privatization on employee relations by focusing on ethics, fair treatment, labor relations and unionization. Currently many developing nations face the pressures and demand for privatization which is creating new opportunities and challenges also for the service providers. Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is selected as study subject and Telecommunication sector of Pakistan as study area. A Pre-Post comparison is carried out and a close ended questionnaire is designed for survey. The Pre Privatization period spans from 1998-2005 and Post spans from 2005-2012. Around 725 questionnaires are distributed and 375 complete responses are collected back with response rate of 51%. North Region of PTCL is selected due to easy access and data availability where majority permanent employees selected for this study are Technicians, engineering supervisors, technical officers and assistant managers. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test (Non- Parametric Test) is used for analysis as the data collected is non normal (Q-Q plot for normality testing).The findings reveal that ethics and fair treatment has a significant difference in the pre & post privatization era with pre results better than post. Same results are seen in labor relations and unionization factors also.

Author Biographies

B. Asghar, University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Pakistan

Department of Industrial Engineering

A. Wasim, University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Pakistan

Department of Industrial Engineering

M. Jahanzaib, University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Pakistan

Department of Industrial Engineering

S. Hussain, University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Pakistan

Department of Industrial Engineering


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How to Cite

B. Asghar, A. Wasim, M. Jahanzaib, and S. Hussain, “Impact of Privatization on Employee Relations at Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited”, The Nucleus, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 243–253, Dec. 2016.




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