Assessment of Leaf Rust Resistance in Wheat Genotypes in Natural Environmental Conditions of Tandojam


  • M. Ismail Nuclear Institute of Agriculture Tandojam
  • M. Azeem Asad Nuclear Institute of Agriculture
  • J. A. Tariq Nuclear Institute of Agriculture
  • R. M. Memon Nuclear Institute of Agriculture Tandojam
  • M. A. Sial Nuclear Institute of Agriculture Tandojam



Identification of sources of resistance and their incorporation in crop germplasm is the most effective method for disease management. Therefore, present work has been conducted to find out resistance in thirty two (32) wheat genotypes against leaf rust during wheat season 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. The results of the study revealed significant variation among these genotypes against leaf rust in both seasons. In 2015-16 wheat season genotypes C217 and C228 were free of leaf rust, T11, T12, T16 and T18 were found resistant and T1, T2 and T19 showed moderately resistant reaction. Maximum leaf rust severity of 50S has been noticed on T14. In 2016-17 normal sowing trial, less rust development has been observed on all genotypes due to late appearance of disease. While in late sowing trial, seventeen genotypes have been found susceptible with maximum rust severity of 60S on T20. Twelve are rated moderately susceptible to susceptible. While the genotypes T1and T2 showed moderately resistant -moderately susceptible reaction against the disease in late sowing trial. Among thirty two genotypes, T16 has been found free of leaf rust in both trials. Thus the potential of T1, T2 and T16 as source of resistance against leaf rust can be investigated further. These results can be used in wheat breeding program to incorporate leaf rust resistance in wheat genotypes.

Author Biographies

M. Ismail, Nuclear Institute of Agriculture Tandojam

Nuclear Institute of Agriculture

Pakistan Atomic Energy commission

Senior Scientist

M. Azeem Asad, Nuclear Institute of Agriculture

Nuclear Institute of Agriculture

Pakistan Atomic Energy commission

Principal Scientist

J. A. Tariq, Nuclear Institute of Agriculture

Nuclear Institute of Agriculture Tandojam

Pakistan Atomic energy Commission

Senior Scientist

R. M. Memon, Nuclear Institute of Agriculture Tandojam

Nuclear Institute of Agriculture Tandojam


Principal Scientist

M. A. Sial, Nuclear Institute of Agriculture Tandojam

Nuclear Institute of Agriculture Tandojam


Deputy Chief Scientist


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How to Cite

M. Ismail, M. A. Asad, J. A. Tariq, R. M. Memon, and M. A. Sial, “Assessment of Leaf Rust Resistance in Wheat Genotypes in Natural Environmental Conditions of Tandojam”, The Nucleus, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 33–37, Aug. 2018.


