Bismuth titanate (Bi4Ti3O12) powders were prepared by conventional mixed oxide method using oxide mixture i.e. bismuth oxide (Bi2O3) and titanium oxide (TiO3). The mixed powders were ball milled for different times (8, 16, and 24h). The phase formation was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and results revealed that milled powder was mainly consisted of phases Bi2O3, TiO2 and small amount corresponded to Bi4Ti3O12. However, after calcination at 700ºC, Bi4Ti3O12 phase was mainly observed. Thermal decomposition behavior (DSC-TGA-DTA) was investigated as a function of milling time. Thermal analysis alongwith XRD results showed that the formation of desire phase (Bi4Ti3O12) was only possible above 600ºC. Single phase Bi4Ti3O12 ceramic was obtained with the orthorhombic structure by sintering at 800ºC. Maximum density (8.61g/cm3 ) was achieved in sample milled for 24h due to reduction in particle size which ultimately enhanced the diffusion process during sintering.References
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