
  • M. Saleem Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
  • M. S. Tahir Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology, Graz University of Technology, Graz , Austria
  • G. Krammar Department of Energy and Process Engineering, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway




Removal of particulate matter from gases generated in the process industry is important for product recovery as well as emission control. Dynamics of filtration plant depend on operating conditions. The models, that predict filter plant behaviour, involve empirical resistance parameters which are usually derived from limited experimental data and are characteristics of the filter media and filter cake (dust deposited on filter medium). Filter cake characteristics are affected by the nature of filter media, process parameters and mode of filter regeneration. Removal of dust particles from air is studied in a pilot scale jet pulsed bag filter facility resembling closely to the industrial filters. Limestone dust and ambient air are used in this study with two widely different filter media. All important parameters like pressure drop, gas flow rate, dust settling, are recorded continuously at 1s interval. The data is processed for estimation of the resistance parameters. The pressure drop rise on test filter media is compared. Results reveal that the surface of filter media has an influence on pressure drop rise (concave pressure drop rise). Similar effect is produced by partially jet pulsed filter surface. Filter behaviour is also simulated using estimated parameters and a simplified model and compared with the experimental results. Distribution of cake area load is therefore an important aspect of jet pulse cleaned bag filter modeling. Mean specific cake resistance remains nearly constant on thoroughly jet pulse cleaned membrane coated filter bags. However, the trend can not be confirmed without independent cake height and density measurements. Thus the results reveal the importance of independent measurements of cake resistance.


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How to Cite

M. Saleem, M. S. Tahir, and G. Krammar, “EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF FILTER CAKE FORMATION ON DIFFERENT FILTER MEDIA”, The Nucleus, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 83–89, Jun. 2020.




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