The Nucleus <p><em>The Nucleus</em> is a well-established, open-access, peer-reviewed multidisciplinary scientific journal that has been in publication since 1964. The journal offers free access to all its content, both electronically and in print, ensuring that research is widely available to the public without any cost barriers. It is accredited as Y-category journal by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), and published biannually. <em>The Nucleus</em> invites research scholars, faculty members, and academicians from various disciplines, particularly in the natural and applied sciences, to submit their original research manuscripts. The journal is committed to promoting flawless and unbiased research, adhering to international publishing standards. The publisher also actively promotes published articles worldwide through various media channels, in line with open access regulations, ensuring that the research reaches a broad audience.</p> <p>The motto of <em>The Nucleus</em> reflects its dedication to transparency, integrity, and the promotion of high-quality research.</p> <p><strong><!--a href='#' id="fullscope" >Read More >></a--></strong></p> en-US (Dr. Maaz Khan (Editor-in-Chief)) (Mr. Touseef Tufail (Editorial Assistant)) Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0500 OJS 60 Emotion Detection for Cryptocurrency Tweets Using Machine Learning Algorithms <p class="NuclAbstract">Cryptocurrencies, functioning as digital currencies, undergo regular fluctuations in the present market, reflecting the emotional aspect of the cryptocurrency realm. It is a well-established fact that sentiment is linked to Bitcoin and Ethereum values, employing a Twitter-based strategy to predict changes. While prospective Bitcoin returns do not display a correlation with emotional variables, indicators of emotions tend to anticipate Bitcoin exchange volume and return volatility. Emotions wield an influence over a broad spectrum of financial investor returns, thereby, potentially affecting market dynamics by triggering significant price shifts. The research delves into gauging emotional factors extracted from 2,050,202 posts on, investigating how these emotions impact Bitcoin's price fluctuations. We have used a unified dataset named 'data F' in which all categories of emotions are consolidated. Subsequently, data preprocessing steps are implemented to cleanse the dataset. Two feature engineering techniques, namely TF-IDF and BoW are employed. The research explores ten supervised machine learning (ML) models as classifiers, with four of these models (LR, Stochastic Gradient Descent, SVM and GB) yielding the highest accuracy at 0.93%.</p> Bushra Fareed, Mujeeb Ur Rehman, Mumtaz Ali Shah, Akbar Hussain, Khudija Bibi Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0500 On the Elliptical Orbit of the Earth and Position of the Sun in the Sky: An Engineering Approach <p>The position of the Sun as seen by an observer on the Earth’s surface and the position and velocity vectors of the Earth revolving in an elliptical orbit around the Sun can be calculated using several computational approaches. These approaches include (but are not limited to) the use of an analytical approach; a numerical approach, and the use of a Solar Position Algorithm (PSA). In the analytical methodology, the Earth’s momentum equation is transformed to eliminate its time dependence, and the equation is solved analytically. Whereas, using the numerical approach, the dimensionless momentum equation of the revolving Earth is written in the polar coordinate system (r, θ) and solved numerically. The solar position algorithm known as PSA (Plataforma Solar de Almeria, abbreviated from its Spanish origin:, is a numerical algorithm that uses several empirical relations to calculate the solar declination and the ecliptic longitude angles, etc. The algorithm uses Cartesian coordinate system to calculate the dimensionless coordinates of the pole star (Polaris) and its declination angle to calculate the position vector of an observer that rotates with the Earth. This coordinate system is referred to as a new Cartesian coordinate system whose origin is located at the center of the Earth. The solar elevation angle and azimuth angle are obtained by performing a set of rotations of this new Cartesian coordinate system. In this article, we have used basic physical principles (analytical approach) to obtain the main parameters of the Sun’s trajectory and position, at certain time in the sky. The methodology presented here can easily be used by professionals and engineers working in the area of solar/alternate energy, as well as for the design of intelligent/green buildings/cities for a sustainable environment.</p> Ruben Avila, Shoaib Raza Syed Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0500 Role of Neutron Beam Applications in the Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of Pakistan <p>Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH) is the largest multidisciplinary research and development center in Pakistan. It has two research reactors namely PARR-1 and PARR-2. Neutron beam facilities have been installed only around PARR-1. It is a multipurpose research reactor that has been mostly utilized for the production of radioisotope and the training of scientists, engineers and technicians. The reactor is also utilized in the studies of neutron reaction cross-sections, nuclear structure, fission physics, radiation damage in crystals and semi-conductors, studies of geological, biological and environmental samples by neutron activation techniques, gemstone coloration, neutron radiography and neutron scattering. We have been investigating lattice dynamics, crystal and magnetic structure of materials and residual stress measurement using neutron scattering. In this manner, PARR-1 is effectively contributing to the socio-economic development of Pakistan.</p> Khurram Shahzad, M. Nasir Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0500 Calculation of Solar Trajectory in the Sky and Solar Analemma as Observed from the Earth <p>In a previous companion paper “On the elliptical orbit of the Earth and the position of the Sun in the sky: an engineering approach,” published in The NUCLEUS, we presented various computational methodologies for the position/trajectory of the Sun in the sky of an observer at Earth [1]. In this paper, the methodology for calculation of solar analemma (as observed from the earth surface) has been presented, along with an elaboration of the “Equation of Time,” as called in literature [2,3]. The computational methodologies presented in the earlier paper included: 1) an analytical approach; 2) a numerical algorithm; and 3) a Solar Position Algorithm commonly abbreviated as PSA from the Spanish name of its developer Plataforma Solar de Almería [4]. In the numerical approach, Earth’s momentum equation written in a polar coordinate system (r, <em>θ</em>) was numerically solved. It was also demonstrated that if the Earth’s momentum equation was transformed to eliminate the time dependence, it could be solved analytically. In this paper, a Cartesian coordinate system is used to calculate the coordinates of the pole star (Polaris) and its declination angle. The position vector of an observer that rotates with the Earth is calculated using a new Cartesian coordinate system, whose origin is located at the center of the Earth. The solar elevation angle and the solar azimuth angle are obtained by performing a set of rotations of this new coordinate system. Towards the end, the Equation of Time (EOT) is explained and used for calculating the solar analemma.</p> Shoaib Raza S., Ruben Avila R. Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 18 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0500 Feasible Size Ratio Prediction of Wind and PV Module for Energy Generation of Different Climatic Zones in India <p>Solar and wind are renewable energy resources that are non-exhaustible, freely available, ecofriendly and capable for providing solutions to the power problems, which are recently being faced by India and all over the world. With increasing demand of generating electricity, wind and solar energies are not available all the time, the combined implementation of renewable resources such as wind and solar can meet the increasing demand of electricity. This Paper presents study about the Photovoltaic-Wind Hybrid System (PWHS) under six climate zones of India. The study is based on the size ratio of Average Solar Irradiation Energy (ASIE) and Average Wind Speed Energy (AWSE). Annually, the ASIE varied form 5.00 KWh/m<sup>2</sup> to 6.50 KWh/m<sup>2</sup> whereas the values of AWSE varied between 0.1 m/s and 2.4 m/s. After analyzing different climatic conditions, PWHS was designed. Through mathematically modeling and learning programming techniques, different size ratios were conformed. Linear programming was applied on average annual value of photovoltaic (PV) and wind, to determine the size ratio of PV wind among different climate zones.</p> R. Khandare, R. Chaudhary Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 28 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0500 Balancing Energy Consumption and Connectivity through Energy-Efficient Protocols for Sustainable Networking in Smart Cities <p>This paper focuses on the challenges and opportunities of achieving sustainability in smart cities. It depends on maintaining the balance between energy efficiency and connectivity through energy-efficient protocols. The study surveys systems with energy-efficient protocols, emphasizing their strengths and limitations in maintaining sustainability in smart cities. The need for energy-efficient protocols in smart city settings is that these protocols dynamically adjust operations to optimize energy consumption within sensor nodes in communication networks while considering parameters: like heterogeneity, traffic patterns, and environmental factors. Evaluation against key performance metrics such as energy consumption, data delivery ratio, network lifetime, and throughput identify promising technologies to achieve an optimal balance between connectivity and energy efficiency in smart cities. It concludes by proposing future research directions and considerations to make the development of sustainable networking solutions rapidly tailored to the evolving landscape of smart cities. This paper aims to present a comprehensive overview of the pivotal role played by energy-efficient protocols in fostering sustainable networking architectures.</p> U.B. Chaudhry, T. Ahmed, A. Wajid Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0500 A Comprehensive Review of Machine Learning-Based Malware Detection Techniques for Windows Platform <p>The growing threat of windows malware poses an increasing risk to the security of computers and the sensitive information they hold. The exponential rise in malware threats targeting the windows platform necessitates robust and adaptive detection mechanisms. Machine learning (ML) techniques demonstrate effectiveness in identifying windows malware therefore, a thorough analysis of these techniques is essential. This paper presents a comprehensive review of machine learning based techniques which have been proposed by research community for detecting windows malware. The review begins by providing a comparison of this study with the existing reviews. Then, we provide details of different ML based malware detection techniques. These techniques have been assessed on multiple parameters including: dataset used for training and testing, availability of dataset, ML model used for classification, the type of extracted features, analysis type and the metrics employed to measure the effectiveness of technique. Furthermore, the paper highlights the limitations and challenges in this field and suggests potential future research directions. By providing a comprehensive overview and critical analysis of ML-based malware detection techniques proposed for the windows environment, this study aims to guide and inspire further research in handling evolving cyber threats.</p> A. Wajid, T. Ahmed, U.B. Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0500