On Bipolar Valued Fuzzy 𝒌-Ideals in Hemirings


  • T. Mahmood Department of Mathematics & Statistics, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan
  • A. Ejaz Department of Mathematics & Statistics, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan




In this paper we discuss some results associated with Bipolar valued fuzzy 𑘠-ideals of hemirings. We also define bipolar valued fuzzy ð‘˜-intrinsic product and characterize ð‘˜- hemiregularhemirings by using their bipolar valued fuzzy𑘠-ideals.


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How to Cite

T. Mahmood and A. Ejaz, “On Bipolar Valued Fuzzy 𝒌-Ideals in Hemirings”, The Nucleus, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 115–122, Aug. 2015.


