
  • T. Mahmood Department of Mathematics and Statistics, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan



In this paper we define interval valued ( , ) q -fuzzy h-subhemirings, interval valued ( , ) q -fuzzy interior h-ideals, interval valued ( , ) q -fuzzy prime h-ideals, interval valued ( , ) q -fuzzy semiprime h-ideals. We characterize hhemiregular and h-semisimple hemirings by the properties of these interval valued ( , ) q -fuzzy h-ideals. Keywords: Interval valued ( , ) q -fuzzy h-ideals, interval valued ( , ) q -fuzzy interior h-ideals, interval valued ( , ) q -fuzzy prime h-ideals, interval valued ( , ) q -fuzzy semiprime h-ideals, h-hemiregular, h-semisimple hemirings.


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How to Cite

T. Mahmood, “CHARACTERIZATIONS OF h -HEMIREGULAR AND h -SEMISIMPLE HEMIRINGS BY INTERVAL VALUED ( , ) q -FUZZY h -IDEALS”, The Nucleus, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 19–27, Jan. 2014.


