The Fe-Si-B is a well known system of technical importance used for various applications due to promising magnetic properties and corrosion resistant. Melt spun ribbons (MSRs) of 50 m thickness of Fe77.5Si13.3B9.2 alloy were produced by melt spinning technique. Master alloys were prepared by using 3-4 N pure metals. The alloy was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), stereo scan and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Elemental analysis was conducted by energy dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDAX). DSC results confirmed that the alloy showed wide supercooled liquid region before crystallization indicating good thermal stability. Activation energy was calculated to be 397 kJ/mol. Vicker’s and nanohardness as well as elastic modulus were measured. Nanohradness (H) to elastic modulus (E) ratio (H/E) indicates existence of covalent bonding in Fe-B-Si amorphous alloy. It is expected that the alloy is fit for fabrication of small electronics components, jewelry applications, structural materials and core windings of “Green transformersâ€.References
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